At the end of October, Rodney went to the National FFA convention in Indianapolis. He and two other parents went with 8 kids; he had a sales team competing. Sales team placed 11th in the nation! 3 of the 4 kids placed in the gold division. Afterwards they went down to Nashville and went to the Grand Ol' Opry. Lots of fun was had by all.
The girls and I stayed home this time. The convention part isn't really "kid" friendly. The motel not being in walking distance of the convention center makes it hard since you have to be out and about all day. That was a l-o-n-g week without Daddy home. They left early Tuesday morning and got back Monday afternoon. Being alone made me really thankful that it didn't happen often. Made me think of all you "oil field widows" hard it must be to have your other half gone for 2+ weeks at a time.
Some photos from that week. Girls' being silly (blurry photos, but still cute).
Snow! It was also COLD for a few days that week.
one of these years we might have to come and stay with the girls so you can make the trip to Indianapolis!