Monday, April 11, 2016

March 2015


March brought calving season. #13 was the first one to calve, on Friday the 13th, and #10 was the tenth one to calve. Thought that was neat. Such smart cows we have, to coordinate that. :) We have 3 heifers and 8 bulls so far. Still waiting for 3 cows to calve. Had some great weather for it and the cows didn't need any help, so it's been an easy season. With robins, sand hill cranes and baby calves, it must be spring! Even the grass is greening up. In the yard at least; the cows keep the pasture trimmed down. Had a little rain shower the other night and some snow flakes the other day. The mountains were getting a few flakes yesterday. Today it's sunny and cold out. Such nice spring weather.

We got us a 3 year old in the house now. Some days it's the terrific 3s and some days it's the trying 3's :) But she's still our lovable Nicole, who likes to ride her bike fast, swing and use glue and scissors. The girls are liking the warmer weather. Some days they don't even need a coat to go outside. Even Janell likes to be outside. She gets pretty excited when she sees you getting her coat ready. She's got the crawling thing down and likes to pull herself up on whatever she can. And getting into everything she can reach. She's still not into food that much, but she'll eat more when she can feed herself. She goes crazy for popcorn, though. She's 8 months now. Hannah likes to dance and do "tricks". 'Mom, look at this trick.' They enjoy doing chores with Rodney, swinging on the gate and being in the back of the pickup when the cows are fed.

Rodney was in Billings last week for FFA state convention. Previously, his senior and junior mechanics teams took first at districts, but at state they came in two points behind the first place team. So they were a bit bummed out. His sales team took 4th and 7th in farm business management. RV FFA has a facebook page that Rodney sometimes updates.

The power company moved our light pole and put in a taller one. Some time this year we'd like to move our storage sheds and replace them with a garage. The power line needed to be raised to get over the garage roof. We had a joint birthday party for Hannah and Nicole about the middle of the month with the friends around here. Dale and Bonnie came down for a couple days at that time. We're still enjoying having Gospel Meetings Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons. With all that we can have with God, why would we want to settle for this world.

I better sign off and take care of some fighting girls . :)

'Til next time-

Rodney, Amanda, Hannah, Nicole & Janell

wonder what these things are...

oops. busted.

i like the bathtub

hannah fixed her bed and decorated her wall

3 years old!

goofball kept pulling on her eyelids

time to go do chores

this cow work is hard work