Thursday, September 27, 2012

6 months

Nicole is 6 (and a bit) months already! She's still a happy little thing. Guess I should say "big" since she weighed in at 18 lb 14 oz and was 26 3/4 in long last week. A little smaller than what Hannah was at this age, but still has some of her characteristics. Like the back scooting. And the big grin. She seems to teeth like Hannah too, without too much difficulty. Was surprised the other day when I stuck my finger in her mouth and felt a sharp thing! Hasn't quite popped through yet, but it'll be up shortly. She's still sleeping through the night (ahhhh!). Except for when she had a stuffy nose a couple weeks ago. But anyone would've woke up if their nosed was plugged and they couldn't suck their thumb. Still a big thumb sucker. We've started her on some food and after every bite she tends to stick her thumb in. Don't know if she thinks the only way to swallow is by sucking the thumb or what :) She also seems to give hugs and kisses sometimes. At least, that's what I'm gonna call it. And she also has the cutest little laugh. She's starting to "talk" more. Lately she's been saying "bababababa". Sure there's more, but not thinking of it at the moment.

Nummy rice cereal...actually, she's rather chew on the spoon :) She will eat a couple bites

Hannah likes to feed her :)

We were having peaches and decided to see what Nicole thought of them...

 Hannah wanted some pictures taken of her :)

1 comment:

  1. oh I am so missing those girls! Lucky Papa, coming to see them without Gramma! But... guess I am getting time with Paige and Jace, while he isnt here too! Hugs and kisses from Gramma!
