One afternoon in August, we had a furry critter visit us for a few minutes. Actually, I'm not sure how long s/he was there, hanging out, until we noticed it. When I saw it out of the corner of my eye, I took it as one of the cats, but it obviously wasn't after we got a second look. The cats and chickens like to hang out on the back step, so why wouldn't a woodchuck want to join in on the comfortable perch.
After s/he noticed us, it was under the step in a heartbeat. But it came back to peek at us.
Isn't it cute! |
It hung out on the step for quite a while with us. Hannah enjoyed watching it. Then it ran towards the sheds, but the chickens were over there so it came back to the step for a few more minutes before heading off into the pasture. Not sure where it calls home 'cause we haven't seen it since.