Friday, August 24, 2012

The chickens are laying!

Yesterday we found our first egg in the nest! Once they all start, we gonna have eggs coming outta our ears!

We originally got 4 chicks. Then Murdoch's were giving them away (yes, free!) 'cause they were getting too big. So we got 4 more (a couple months after the first purchase). Then this summer Rodney's uncle and aunt asked if we wanted a hen and 6 chicks that she had hatched. Thought that would be cool for Hannah, but we didn't get up there to pick 'em up before the hen kicked them outta the nest. The other day Dale and Marie dropped the chicks off on their way to Bonita's. So that brings us to a total of 14 (FOURTEEN!?) chickens. We don't go through 14 eggs a day! However, some of the new chicks may be roosters. Maybe get some fried chicken outta the deal! :)

1 comment:

  1. Rod should be able to sell eggs for about $3 a dozen to some of his teacher collegues!
