Friday, August 24, 2012


Sorry if this is too much information...well, I suppose you could just not read it. Anyway, I've decided that I will post about Hannah's big girl accomplishment on here so that when I'm old(er) and gray, I can (read this and) tell her the answer when she asks me questions about when she was young.

Hannah got interested in using the toilet before Nicole was born but...yeah, that went to the wayside after she arrived. Off and on since then she'd do ok, but she liked wearing her princess pullups. And I wasn't ready to clean up after her if I made her wear underwear. That brings us to last Friday...I ordered more pullups ( is awesome! I don't have to go anywhere!) and later that day, Hannah said that she wanted to wear underwear. And just like that, she preferred her Tuna (hello kitty) underwear over princess pullups.

Wow. That was easy.

 And she's been doing great ever since! A few accidents, but hey...I'll take the few that occur over having to change more stinky diapers :)

And here's the cat that started the Hello Kitty fad for Hannah:

1 comment:

  1. and the best phone call a grandma could get, from her lil dolly girl... Grandma I went P--- in the potty! Just need more of those phonecalls, so I can get better at understanding what she's saying!
