Friday, August 23, 2013

The fun of mud puddles!

The sure way of making it rain - haying. Second cutting was gonna start today; Dale even came down yesterday afternoon so he could cut today. One field got dumped on yesterday afternoon. We got dumped on here this afternoon. Been raining off and on since. Getting another nice shower at the moment. Doesn't rain all summer until now...but we'll take it! It's been really hot and dry lately.

In between showers, us girls went out to play:

do I go in or not?

clompin' 'round in boots too big

come join us!

Tuna got too close to Hannah...Earlier she did get ahold of Orange and threw him in. He wasn't impressed either

Wantin' outta there!

Uh-oh...she got too close to the tree...

He hung on for dear life...she's trying to pull him off...he eventually got away...and stayed outta reach :)
Then my camera battery died. So I don't have any pics of Hannah laying down, or of her crawling through the puddles, or of "monkey see monkey do" little sister doing the same thing. Needless to say, clothes stayed on the porch and the girls went straight to the bathtub!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Smoke a little too close for comfort...

There's smoke just above town in the the vicinity where I saw a couple lightning strikes earlier this evening.
8:35 pm or so

Now there's orange in the picture.... (8:45 pm or so)
Will see what this turns into!

This was taken at 9:20 tonight:
Taken from our living room window. A little rain shower came through, hopefully that'll help a little.

Potty trainin'?

This is a follow-up to the poopin' in the tub...a few times I've been able to catch Nicole before she goes in the tub and have gotten her to the toilet. She thinks she's pretty hot stuff sittin' up there on the duck like a big girl. And she has went poop a few times. (June 6 was the first time! Such a big girl!) Sometimes when we're out and about and we've used the restroom, she's backed up to the toilet wanting her turn.

Maybe she'll be potty trained before big sis was?!?! Wouldn't that be cool. :)

It was a tad bit windy on Thursday...

Had a windstorm come through Thursday (August 1) afternoon. And it was windy. They say 90 mile hour wind. Heard talk about it being a tornado, but the weather service said it was just straight line wind. Whatever it was, it was a doozy. We were just at the edge of it, but it made it's mark here. Down at Twin Bridges it really left it's mark. Lots of trees snapped off, uprooted, roofs torn off. They lost power until the next day. Friday morning we went driving around, checking the damage out. One ranch had some hay down...that ended up across the road, in the fence, up on the power line. Never saw hay on the power line before - wishing I had brought the camera along.

Here's what happened at our house:
Wind angle must've been just right: blew the stack poles over and then the hay blew over a half row at a time

At least it wasn't anything more

Made the remark to Hannah that I hoped the trees would stay up...

Didn't see 'em snap 'cause we were watching the hay fall over

Kittens April-June

Lots of pictures of girls and their kitties!

Big sis put the kittens behind little sis

Little sis was not impressed


I found you!

A familiar sight

Bringin' in the kitties

Teachin' Bobcat how to drive

Momma Diesel

Lovin' Bobcat (named because it looked like a bobcat kitten)

We were planning on giving the 2 black ones away and Hannah wanted to keep Bobcat. However, when we came home from Manhattan Convention, there was no Diesel and no kittens. Not sure where they went, we've seen Diesel once since then. They must've found a summer home, where they don't get so much "lovin'". Surprisingly, Hannah wasn't too heartbroken about it. She still talks about them being gone, but she handled it really good. Hopefully Diesel will come back home, but we'll see.

Kittens 2013

Diesel, our momma cat, had 3 kittens on April 9, but it was a little while before we were able to see 'em since she had 'em in the haystack, outta reach. Smart cat. Daddy moved some bales for us and we were able to see 'em!
First glimpse through the camera

What happiness looks like