Tuesday, July 12, 2016

April 2015

April brought us a wide variety of weather; warm and sunny to snow, with a few rain showers threw in. Many folks have already started irrigating here lately so the fields are starting to green up. The trees have started to show some green. Rodney mowed the lawn about a week ago. Our last 3 cows calved, all bulls. So with 14 calves this year, 11 were bulls and 3 of 'em were heifers. The last one just came on Tuesday (28th) and was a bit of a bum. Spent the first couple days walking around on his front ankles, but lately he's been up on his hooves. His legs aren't completely normal, but he's getting there. Not sure what happened to him.
Rodney had a trip to Phoenix for an Ag teacher conference the middle of the month. He was going to fly out Tuesday (14th) evening, but when we got to the airport, he heard that his flight was pushed back because of high winds. Because of that, he wouldn't make his connection so we came back home and he took off early the next morning. We got a few inches of wet snow that Wednesday. He got home late Friday night...or maybe I should say early Saturday morning. The next week, he took a couple days off from school and did some more work on the shed/garage project. As of now, the footings are poured for both sheds and one of them is transferred to its new location. Hopefully that's where we want it. If not, that's where it stays anyway. :) We also poured a pad by the feed bunk. That usually gets really muddy feeding calves there. Pig weigh-in for fair was last Saturday morning (25th) and then Rodney and 4 FFA boys went to Columbus for a garden tractor pull. Caleb won in the turf tire division.
The girls are liking the warmer, bare feet, mud pie making weather. Actually, it doesn't need to be all that warm for them to want to play in the dirt and water. Hannah's already asking for the sprinkler/pool. It hasn't been that warm yet :) Nicole and Hannah have had a couple swimming lessons this month that they've really enjoyed. Monday (13th) was kindergarten roundup...kinda hard to believe she's that old already! Sounds like it'll be a big class (around 20). She enjoyed getting the tour (there's an art room!). Janell had her 9 month check up on Monday (27th). She's 18 lb 12 oz and 28.5". Hasn't gained much since 6 months, but she's an active little squirt. She's getting into the eating thing a little more, especially if she can feed herself. Loves to climb the stairs and clear the shelves in the playroom. Enjoys getting into whatever the big girls are doing. :)
Enjoyed having Judy and Anna here for a few days a couple weeks ago. They only have one more Gospel Meeting on Sunday and then it's off to preps. A couple gems I've enjoyed: "Proper preparation prevents panic" and sheep are vulnerable, they need a "deliverer", someone to take care of them. They don't have what it takes to win against the enemy. How wonderful it is to know Jesus as our deliverer.
'Til next time-
Rodney, Amanda, Hannah, Nicole & Janell

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